Norebo is a full-cycle enterprise, covering the entire range of services, from fishing to supplying finished products to the client. Norebo is a major player in the field of shipbuilding and ship repair with extensive experience in the construction of innovative vessels for the Russian fishing fleet. Today Norebo owns the shipbuilding shipyard and ship repair yards. The development of shipbuilding and ship repair allows to meet not only the own needs, but also the needs for the Russian market as a whole.
The Otradnoye shipyard specializes in the construction of fishing fleets. The shipbuilding is carried out both for Norebo and for partners.
The plant is located on the banks of Neva river and occupies the area of 19.9 hectares. The production buildings and administrative complex with full infrastructure are located on this territory.
The production buildings include hull processing, hull assembly, pipe fitting, outfitting, painting and insulating areas. All areas are equipped with the high-tech equipment that allows to implement full production cycle for ship construction, from cutting metal to sending the finished vessel to sea trials. Maximum capacity is 12 orders under construction and production capacity is currently at full capacity.
The number of employees at the plant is about 750 people. It is planned to expand the staff to 1500 employees.
We plan to modernize and expand the production capacity of the shipyard, including increasing the number of slipways and building a dock to make it possible to build larger orders and carry out the necessary docking work.
A modern ship repair yard is specialized in repair and technical maintenance of various types of vessels. Located in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It is a modernized complex of four production areas, a water area, a laboratory and ship-lifting facilities.