MSC certification signifies coherent management and measures implementation for a responsible fishery. The MSC Fisheries Standard is used to assess if a fishery is well-managed and sustainable. The Standard reflects the most up-to-date understanding of internationally accepted fisheries science and management. The MSC Fisheries Standard has three core principles that every fishery must meet:
The MSC certification process is totally transparent. In case when a company successfully completes the MSC certification process it receives a certificate showing the compliance of the company with a sustainable fishery standard or with the chain of custody standard. In order to monitor the compliance of a company with the stated conditions of MSC certification, the certified company is checked during the annual audit.
We know everything about our products. We have certified our traceability system in accordance with the Chain of Custody Standard (MSC). Everyone who buys our products can receive full information about the fish from catch to its delivery by providing the transport label.