We aim to offer our customers a full range of seafood products. With this in mind, we opened our land-based factories in Murmansk and Moscow region, to allow us to produce different types of fish products which are not the frozen-at-sea variety. We set no limits to our product range.
Processing factory in Murmansk, named after our retail brand Borealis

Processing factory in Murmansk, named after our retail brand Borealis, offering single frozen cod and haddock, as well as by-catch species, such as catfish, redfish and Greenland halibut.

The factory, which opened in 2016 in Minkino, close to Murmansk, enables Norebo to be involved in the whole chain, from harvesting right through to producing premium frozen products that are packed for retail distribution. 


15,000 MT of raw material annually

15,000 MT of raw material annually

The factory processes approx. 15,000 MT of raw material annually

Production is BRC certified

Production is BRC certified

Production is BRC certified to meet the requirements of the Global Standard for Food Safety

Processing lines

Processing lines

The factory is equipped with automated processing and portioning lines from leading suppliers



The refrigerator has a storage temperature of -25°C and the capacity to store approximately 1,000 tons of products

Four fresh-fish trawlers

Four fresh-fish trawlers

Four fresh-fish trawlers land weekly, with best-quality cod and haddock from the Barents Sea

IQF fillet products

IQF fillet products

Main production is a variety of IQF fillet products (cut and packed to meet customer requirements), as well as block-frozen fillets and mince. By-products include heads, tongues, cheeks and backbones

fresh fillets

fresh fillets

Our new production is our fresh fillets, exported to European markets

A new production is our fresh fillets, exported to European markets, alongside the wet salted and dried salted Atlantic cod

Borealis production and distribution facility in Klin, outside Moscow

New Borealis facility is located in Klin, near Moscow, and is used for processing, repacking and storage of frozen products, which are produced on-board the vessels or at the shore-based factory in Murmansk. It serves as the main logistics centre for the Russian market.

The total area of the facility is approx. 33,850 sq m and the building is approx. 13,600 sq m, including office buildings, production and modern freezer facilities, and a coldstore with the capacity of 6,000 pallets.

Key features

  • 220


    Maximum fish production per month
  • 220


    Maximum shrimp production per month
  • 6000


    Coldstore capacity for frozen fish and seafood
  • 27


    Produced at the factory

The quality and safety of products - our top priorities

The facility has adopted a unique system of quality control at both technical and managerial levels. Equipment from world-leading producers is used at the site such as packaging line for MAP / skin packaging, as well as vacuum packaging for retail.

Production of canned fish "Rybnoe menu"

Production of canned fish "Rybnoe menu", Kaliningrag region

RosKon is a modern canned fish complex engineered from scratch according to  the experience of leading European fish processing manufacturers. 
The profile of the factory is the production of canned fish made from ocean raw materials with the use of modern high-tech foreign equipment (“Baader”, “Rosoma” - Germany, “SteriFlow” - France, etc.). The equipment is regularly updated and modernized.
An important peculiarity of the complex is that the fish for the production of canned food is caught by own fleet, which allows us to control the products’ quality at all stages of production. Defrosting of raw materials is done by a steam-air mixture, not by water. A steam-air mixture helps to save all useful fish properties, on the contrary water washes them away.
The complex is located on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Pionersky city, Kaliningrad region.


  • 96

    million cans per year

    Capacity of the fish canned complex
  • 10.5

    thousand sq.m.

    Production area
  • 16

    million cans

    Storage capacity
  • 100

    and more types of products

    Assortment produced by the fish canned complex