The ‘Product of NOREBO’ brand mark carries the reputation of ‘fish as nature intended’.
At Norebo, we guarantee fish that is fully processed and frozen at sea within hours of catching, and single frozen on shore, ensuring the freshness is locked in for a great natural flavour. Nothing is added to the product and nothing is taken away.
The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety began in the UK to help the food industry meet legislative requirements of the EU General Product Safety Directive and the UK Food Safety Act. Since that time, the Standard has received global recognition with over 20,000 certified sites worldwide. The Standard is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognised certification program.
The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety is a product and process certification standard known for compliance to industry best practices. BRC certification is an internationally recognized mark of food safety and quality.
We set and define fish quality standards throughout the whole supply chain right from fishing. With food safety management, based on HACCP, in place on all of our vessels, the fleet meets the demands of the leading global markets.
Horse Mackerel
Atlantic Chub Mackerel
Sardinella Eba
By catch
Redfish Marinus
Redfish Mentella
Greenland Halibut
Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Herring
Atlantic Mackerel
Blue Whiting
Northern Shrimp
By catch
Alaska pollock
Shortraker Rock Fish
Pacific Halibut
Arrowtooth Flounder
Greenland Halibut
Pacific Herring
Atka Mackerel
Pacific Cod
Longfin Thornyhead
Saffron Cod
Black Cod
Pacific Chub Mackerel
Pacific Sardine
Commander Squid
Alaska Plaice
By catch
Jack Mackerel
By catch
processing, repacking and storage of frozen products produced on board or at Borealis shore-based fish processing factory in Murmansk.
28 Moskovskaya st., Moscow region, 141607, Russia
IQF fillets, frozen block block fillets and fish mince, fresh fish fillets, wet salted (klippfisk) and dried salted cod.
150B Minkino village, Murmansk region, Kola district, 184376, Russia