Recently, the platform “Danwatch” published several articles about Norebo. Due to the fact that the published content was predominantly based on “alternative facts” and lacked essential professional standards of journalism, we see ourselves forced to issue the following statement.

The journalists of Danwatch contacted Norebo with a catalogue of questions, which we answered fully and in detail. However, with its prepublishing outreach, Danwatch obviously followed a “pro-forma approach” and ignored most of Norebo’s answers. At no time was Danwatch interested in dialogue. Moreover, Danwatch made it clear that in case Norebo answered their questions in a way that did not suit their political agenda, then facts or statements would be modified as Danwatch deemed it suitable. As a consequence, our answers were either not published or falsified.

The journalists and alluded-to “expert opinions” clearly lacked basic knowledge of the fishing and commercial shipbuilding industries. Furthermore, instead of relying on critical assessment, fact-checking and professional journalism, Danwatch used rumours and fabricated narratives. As a result, their attempted conclusions were erroneous and blatantly political.

Danwatch’s attack on Norebo is a targeted defamation campaign to promote unpopular political decisions in Europe, and grow competitor’s economic interests. For instance, observe how prices for seafood into the European Union — from Nordic countries and the US — have soared in the last two years.

Norebo is a private, non-political and independent commercial organisation that produces sustainable and healthy seafood for human consumption. We always abide by international laws and regulations. There is no investigation nor accusation on any matter of law; neither in Europe nor anywhere. Norebo’s purpose is to provide nutritious and sustainable seafood to its customers, and contribute to ecological fishing-practices that will promote healthy marine wildlife for future generations.